Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Thursday, March 15, 2012

39 + weeks - counting down the days

We had our final Drs appointment today.  Since we were able to make a compromise with my Dr to allow us to go to 40 weeks before an induction, and I'll be 40 weeks on Sunday, we officially have an induction date scheduled for next week :(  We're scheduled to go in on Monday night - sorry Kevin I think Aidain's going to miss your birthday!  I was hoping it wouldn't come down to induction, but have accepted that since I am high-risk it is probably in my best interest.  But- we're still holding out hope that Aidan comes on his own between now and then.  We also had an ultrasound today.  Aidan's estimated weight today..... 9 lbs 7 oz!!!  Keep us in your thoughts this weekend and send us good vibes that I go into labor before our induction date!  Jim's really hoping he's born on St Patty's Day!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

37/38 weeks: Counting down the days

Last week we reached full term!!!  Jim took the liberty of taking some photos of me in action, cooking dinner, during my 37th week.  Fortunately the counter in our kitchen is at a perfect height to serve as a belly support!!

This week marks 38 weeks and I've lost count of the number of people who've asked me if I'm having twins.  One man the other day actually pulled his delivery truck to the side of the road, rolled down the window as I was walking down the street and yelled "Hey- you having twins".  I didn't really feel like I was looking that big until I saw this photo..... WOW!  Now that's ginormous :)

Monday, February 20, 2012

36 weeks

Well, it seems like a lot has happened since my last post.  Here are a few of the updates...
1) We finished the nursery (minus one piece of wall decor that should be arriving tomorrow in the mail)!!
       Here are some photos of the nursery!

2) We have begun weekly Drs appointments along with a non-stress test each week to make sure Aidan is doing well given that I'm high risk.
    Here's a video clip of Aidan's heart beat during my last non-stress test :)

3) We had our last scheduled ultrasound, which confirmed two things: First, our last ultrasound weight estimation was NOT a fluke, at 35 weeks Aidan's weight was estimated to be somewhere between 7 lbs 6 oz and 7 lbs 11 oz.... right on track to be over 9.5 lbs at 40 weeks.  Second, he's still head down - which was very reassuring.  Here's a belly pic from today - seeing it definitely made me realize how big I'm getting.  Mom- although I may have told you otherwise yesterday, I think I am officially approaching ginormous!
Jim and I can't believe that in a week Aidan will be full term and could make his arrival very, very soon.  We can't wait!!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

33 weeks - New ultrasound photos

We had another ultrasound today!!  Our little guy isn't so little anymore.  In fact he's measuring in the 97th percentile now.  Today's measurements put him at over 6 lbs!  With a month and a half to go, it looks like he's going to take after his mom (I was 9 lbs 8 oz)!  Jim and I have decided, based on the 3D ultrasound images below, that he's carrying his weight in his cheeks!

Just for fun and comparison, here's a photo of me as a baby before I left the hospital.  Any resemblence?  Told you I was a big baby!!!

I'm currently seeing my doctor every two weeks, but starting at our next visit, I'll have an appointment every week.  In addition, since I am high risk, my doctor would like us to begin non-stress test at each weekly visit to ensure that Aidan is doing well.  We'll keep you updated!  Stay tuned for photos of the nursery, we're almost done!!

32 weeks

Just a quick belly pic.....

Baby Shower in Michigan - 29 weeks

We had an excellent time in Michigan and the baby shower so much fun!  It was so great to see friends and family that I hadn't seen in forever, and some who got to meet Jim for the first time.  Thanks again to everyone who made the trip to my parents house to celebrate our little Aidan.  I can't wait for him to wear all of the hand decorated onsies!!  Thanks, Lynne, for all the great photos!