Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Monday, February 20, 2012

36 weeks

Well, it seems like a lot has happened since my last post.  Here are a few of the updates...
1) We finished the nursery (minus one piece of wall decor that should be arriving tomorrow in the mail)!!
       Here are some photos of the nursery!

2) We have begun weekly Drs appointments along with a non-stress test each week to make sure Aidan is doing well given that I'm high risk.
    Here's a video clip of Aidan's heart beat during my last non-stress test :)

3) We had our last scheduled ultrasound, which confirmed two things: First, our last ultrasound weight estimation was NOT a fluke, at 35 weeks Aidan's weight was estimated to be somewhere between 7 lbs 6 oz and 7 lbs 11 oz.... right on track to be over 9.5 lbs at 40 weeks.  Second, he's still head down - which was very reassuring.  Here's a belly pic from today - seeing it definitely made me realize how big I'm getting.  Mom- although I may have told you otherwise yesterday, I think I am officially approaching ginormous!
Jim and I can't believe that in a week Aidan will be full term and could make his arrival very, very soon.  We can't wait!!


  1. ok, those nursery pics make me smile. What a perfect little boy's room. Love you guys :)

  2. I love the pics! What a great room! Erin you look adorable! So excited for Aidan to get here! xoxo!

  3. love all of this...the room is adorable! the heartbeat made my eyes tear happy for you guys! and your GINORMOUS belly is simply cute. So full of life and love.
    I hope Aidan arrives a little early to help you avoid an expected 9.5 lb delivery. Start breathing now...
    :) Sleep now, while you can. Soon those feedings and Aidan's mixed up nights/days will soon teach you about sleep deprivation on a whole new level, not that you'll care because you'll be snuggling the little guy.

  4. His nursery is perfect :) I love that is all ready and waiting for him! You are a good mommy already. You look so darn cute I just want to hug you (and rub your belly because that's what I do!) Head down and getting big, start praying for an early delivery!! I hope all goes well and I can't wait to hear from you. Call me all the time with lots of questions that I can pretend to know the answers to! You can't prepare yourself for the overwhelming love you are about to feel for little Aidan...
